I don't know if you have heard but bees are officially and endangered species. Also, I don't know if you heard, but bees are vital to our ecosystem and we will also basically die without them.

Paying attention? Good.

Okay, so bees are officially on the endangered species list and this is really bad because, yes, without bees our world will basically just descend into anarchy. I know that they sting and they are a "bug", but they do so much more. Without bees, most of the food we love and eat on a daily basis wouldn't exist.

Bees are incredibly important to our world and people just don't seem to get that. A lot of the reason for their dwindling numbers is simply that we are slowly but surely destroying the environment, including wildflowers, aka bees bread and butter.

Recently, Cheerios decided to take a stand and create a movement to save the bees. First, to raise awareness they have taken aware their famous bumble bee mascot, Buzz, from their boxes leaving a silhouette. This is making people take notice and recognize that there is a problem. Cheerios has also made a promise to give away wildflower seeds to whoever asks for them so they can be planted and the bee population can be brought back up. The initial goal of the campaign was to give away 100 million seeds since it began the campaign has actually given away 10x more than that, a whopping 1.5 billion seeds.

Bees are incredibly vital to our environment and the lives we lead and they are dying out right under our noses. It is time for everybody to take action to save this important link. For more information on what bees do for our environment and what you can do to help check out Cheerios informational page!

And please, when you see a bee whether outdoors or inside please don't kill it, leave it be or gently catch it and release it outside, because guess what, if the bees die we all die.

